Types in Extempore

Dec 03, 2015

A brief overview of types in Extempore

Beyond the primitives (e.g. integers, floats), Extempore also has aggregate types:

  • Tuples <>
  • Arrays ||
  • Vectors //

Tuples are great for grouping a bunch of dissimilar things, arrays are great for grouping a bunch of similar things, and vectors are like arrays but a bit less flexible. Tuples and arrays will constitute the bulk of composite types usage.

In using composite types, you could do something like:

(bind-func test
  (lambda ()
    (let ((my_composite:<i32,|8,i32|,i8*>* (zalloc)))

Where the type is awkwardly defined in the let form of the function, making it difficult to continue using the type across other functions (where you would need to keep writing in the type signature in order to use it).

To make types easier to re-use across different parts of your code, the bind-type expression allows you to define your type in one location.

;;         the name     the definition
(bind-type my_composite <i32,|2,i32|,i8*>)

We now have a my_composite type, consisting of a tuple with three elements; a 32 bit integer, an array that has space for 2, 32 bit integers, and a pointer to an i8.

Let’s say that our my_composite type is used for accounting at the hypothetical Acme Company. We will say that the first item stores the number of widgets we have ever sold, the second is a list of the red and blue widgets sold, and the third stores the name of our company “Acme Co.”.

The first thing we want to do is to be able to print the contents of our my_composite datastructure, so that we can debug things and remind ourselves what the company name is. In order to conveniently print my_composite we need to implement a print function.

(bind-func print_my_composite:[void,my_composite*]*
  (lambda (my_comp)
    (printf "widgets sold:%d, red widgets:%d, blue widgets:%d, company name:%s" 
            (tref my_comp 0)
            (aref (tref-ptr my_comp 1) 0)
            (aref (tref-ptr my_comp 1) 1)
            (tref my_comp 2))

(bind-poly print print_my_composite)

This code has a few things going on.

  • We declare the functions type signature after the function name :[void,my_composite*]*.
  • We call the standard c function printf.
  • We pass printf the various items within our my_composite data type.
  • Finally we call bind-poly to overload the print function with our custom print function.

If we now create a version of my_composite, we should be able to print it.

(bind-func test-print
  (lambda ()
    (let ((mc:my_composite* (zalloc)))
      (tset! mc 0 1001)
      (aset! (tref-ptr mc 1) 0 501)
      (aset! (tref-ptr mc 1) 1 500)
      (tset! mc 2 "Acme Co.")
      (println mc)

Note that in both functions we are passing a pointer to the array functions aref and aset!.

Again this function does a few things:

  • We are reserving some memory the same size as our my-composite type using zalloc, and setting the symbol mc to point to that memory.
  • We are sequentially are set!ing some values into our my-composite data structure.
  • We are printing the mc symbol using println, which thanks to the bind-poly call earlier knows how to print our my_composite type (println is just print with a newline!).

If we now run test-print we can see our type being printed by Extempore like it ain’t no thing:

; widgets sold:1001, red widgets:501, blue widgets:500, company name:Acme Co.

Hopefully this gives some insight into Extempore’s type system, writing it certainly did.